
Agreement with Old Emperor Perhaps Crossword Clue

If you`re an avid crossword solver, you may have come across the clue ”Agreement with old emperor perhaps” and scratched your head in confusion. However, with some knowledge of history and wordplay, this clue can be easily solved.

Firstly, let`s break down the clue. ”Agreement” suggests that we`re looking for a word that means a pact, deal, or understanding. ”Old emperor” could refer to any number of historical figures, so we`ll need to use some lateral thinking to come up with a solution. ”Perhaps” at the end of the clue tells us that the solution may not be a perfect match, but rather a word that fits the overall theme.

One possible solution to this clue is the word ”treaty.” A treaty is a formal agreement between countries or groups, and it fits with the general idea of an ”agreement.” As for the ”old emperor” part of the clue, we can think about famous historical emperors who were associated with treaties. One such emperor is Napoleon Bonaparte, who famously signed the Treaty of Amiens in 1802 to temporarily end the war between France and Britain. Another possible emperor is Qin Shi Huangdi, who signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki with Japan in 1895 to end the First Sino-Japanese War.

So, we have ”treaty” as our solution and ”old emperor perhaps” as a loose reference to historical figures like Napoleon or Qin Shi Huangdi. But how do we make it fit into the grid? This is where wordplay comes in. One common technique in crosswords is to use a ”cryptic” or indirect clue that involves some sort of wordplay or pun. In this case, we can use ”old” to indicate that we need an abbreviation or shortened form of a word. The abbreviation for ”emperor” is ”EMP,” so we can combine that with ”perhaps” to get ”ER” (the letters that are perhaps included in ”emperor”). Put those letters in front of ”treaty” and we get ”ERTREATY,” which fits perfectly into the grid.

In conclusion, while ”Agreement with old emperor perhaps” may seem like a tricky clue at first glance, with a bit of historical knowledge and wordplay, we can easily arrive at the solution of ”treaty.” Don`t be afraid to think outside the box and use your creative problem-solving skills to crack even the most challenging of crossword puzzles!

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